Restoring * Building * Rentals


Copyright 2013. Urban Restorations LLC. All rights reserved

Contact Information

Office phone             614-294-6097
Office fax                  614-294-1882
Office email    
Nicholas Schilling
Julio Valenzuela
Beth Brickweg 

Urban Restorations

Urban Restorations / 815 North High Street Suite R, Columbus, Ohio 43215
office: (614)294-6097 / fax: (614)294-1882 /

Requests for maintenance should be entered into the tenant portal at: or click here: 

 or you can call the Rental Office at 614-294-6097. If we are not in the office please leave a message in maintenance's voicemail at ext 41.

***If you are experiencing an emergency please call our office immediately at 614-294-6097. If we are out of the office and it is an emergency please call 614-648-3755. Please leave a detailed message with your name, address, phone number and details about the maintenance emergency.

Emergency maintenance is defined as an owner responsible maintenance issue and that issue is causing damage to the premise or poses a hazard to the residents and cannot wait to be resolved until the next business day. Examples of emergency maintenance include fire, flooding, sewer back ups into your residence, electrical hazard, or no heat while it is below freezing outside (if the Rental Office will be open within 12 hours of your heat not working, then repairs will be made during normal business hours). Clogged toilets or sinks are not an emergency.


After hour lock out service is provided Monday - Friday 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm and on the weekend / holidays 9:00 am - 10:00 pm; this service is contingent upon the availability of the maintenance tech on call. Lockouts are not an emergency. The cost for after hours lock out service is $65.00 and can be paid to the maintenance tech or charged to your rental account.